From picky eaters to overeating…childhood nutrition in a nutshell
Childhood nutrition has been in the spotlight, especially since childhood obesity has at least tripled in the past three decades. Many parents are seeking answers to the questions “What should my child eat?”, “How much?”, and “Why?”.
Although we are currently living in the “information age”, information overload has caused some parents to be confused, making it challenging for them to understand good nutritional recommendations. In this article, I will attempt to summarize some basic recommendations regarding childhood nutrition.
A case of mistaken identity: Understanding lupus and other autoimmune diseases
The human body is a marvel. This is one of several reasons why doctors find it fascinating to practice medicine, a practice which becomes a lifelong process of learning and exercise in the skill and art of medicine. This practice, however, is not without its uncertainties. Despite the progress made towards understanding the human body, there remains much unknown. One such mystery is why the human body attacks itself. Autoimmune diseases are an example of this phenomenon.
Compassion is essential to our humanity
Compassion is defined as “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it” (Merriam Dictionary). Related words include those such as kindness, empathy, mercy, understanding, and humanity. The opposite of compassion would be described as insensitivity, cold-heartedness, indifference, cruelty, and inhumanity.
How to decide when you’re too sick to work
To go to work or to stay home? That is the question that many people face when feeling sick. This question is often met with feelings of guilt, especially if this means extra work for your co-workers; feelings of frustration or disappointment when you cannot afford to miss work due to lack of sick pay benefits or other; or, feeling overwhelmed at the thought of how much work needs to be done met by the fear of how much will be waiting for you when you return! When you’re not feeling well, the focus should be on getting better, however, this is often not the reality. So, you ask yourself “how sick am I”?